Sunday, July 22, 2007


Five days ago, I bought a large (which is really a medium) iced coffee from a local coffee chain. I drank it, yum yum, and then a while later began to shake.

Three days ago, I bought a venti (the largest) iced coffee from Starbuck's. I drank it, yum yum, and then a while later felt a little shaky.

Today, I bought a venti iced coffee from Starbuck's. I drank it, yum yum, and.... nothing.

Awesome, I'm addicted.

And here's how the 8:30 a.m. exchange at Starbuck's went this morning:

[At the drive-through speaker:]
Me: May I have a venti iced chai with a little cream, light ice, and 2 packets of the blue sweetener stuff?
Starbuck's employee: Uhh.... let's see, now, uhh, ok, that was a venti iced chai with what now? Cream and....
Me: Oh my God, wow, I'm sorry, no, I'm so tired. That's gross, what I just ordered.
Starbuck's employee: [laughs, relieved]
Me: Ok, how about an iced coffee instead of an iced chai... that makes more sense, doesn't it?
Starbuck's employee: [more laughter]
Me: Wow, gross.

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